Las Vegas Storytelling Event: The Tell If you haven’t yet been to Las Vegas’s very own homegrown storytelling event, The Tell, you are missing out on a particularly satisfying piece of authentic local culture. Launched by local attorney, writer,...
GLOBE SALON: Globe Salon Celebrates 12th Anniversary with Fashion Fling III on Nov. 10 GLOBE SALON CELEBRATES 12th ANNIVERSARY WITH FASHION FLING III Proceeds to benefit the LV Art Reach of Casa De Luz On Saturday, November 10, from 7:30–11pm, please join Globe Salon...
First Friday has arrived! We’ve been around long enough to remember life before First Friday (this month is the art and street festival’s 10th anniversary … and our 12th!), so you can believe us when we say it is truly amazing how this event has...
First Friday Pumpkin Contest The pumpkin decorating contest returns to First Friday this month, and take a look at whose 2011 pumpkin is front and center on the flyer … Why, it’s Globe Salon’s 2011 entry, Bride of Frankenstein … We’re...
The Fashion Fling is Back, Baby! Remember the Globe Salon Charity Fashion Flings — our always fashionable, super fun, and occasionally funky social mixers for charity? Well, it’s been too long, so we’re planning another one for November 10, 2012. Please save the date....
REVIEW-JOURNAL: First Friday's 10th Anniversary + Globe Salon's 12th It’s October, and time for First Friday! This one is special, because it marks the 10th anniversary of the event that helped change downtown Las Vegas. It also kicks off the 12th anniversary...
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