Globe Salon Hours

Globe Salon Holiday & Special Hours REGULAR HOURS | DOWNTOWNTUE-THU: 9am-7pmFRI: 9am-5pmSAT-MON & HOLIDAYS: See Google MapsREGULAR HOURS | UPTOWNTUE-THU: 9am-7pmFRI-SAT: 9am-5pmSUN-MON & HOLIDAYS: See Google MapsCLOSING HOURSWe sometimes close earlier than...

20th Anniversary

NEWS: Globe Salon Celebrates 20 Years GLOBE SALON CELEBRATES 20 YEARSVegas Born, Nationally Recognized(LAS VEGAS, OCT 31, 2020) — The locally-born, nationally recognized, and standard-setting Globe Salon celebrates 20 years of making Las Vegas beautiful on October 31,...

Your First Visit

Globe Salon | Your First Visit GLOBE SALON: Your First Visit With UsWe understand that visiting a new salon can be a daunting experience. For that reason, it’s important to us that you understand our approach to our business, and to you. It goes without saying that we...