When It Rains...

Wow, that was an amazing amount of rain that just poured on the Las Vegas valley! Thankfully, the downpour (at least in the central valley) has subsided and the water is draining from the streets. But the late-summer monsoon did get us thinking about the best way to get to Globe Salon when the rains are coming down.

Here’s what we suggest:

From the West: Avoid Charleston Blvd; today, rain water made it impassable except for one lane in each direction. Instead, use Alta Dr/Bonneville Ave to get into downtown, turn right (south) at 3rd Street, and left (east) at Hoover Ave.

From the East: As above, avoid Charleston Blvd. We’d use Sahara Ave west to Las Vegas Blvd and head north.

If you are coming from Summerlin or Green Valley, keep in mind that in the rain, the freeways move more slowly, and exits are often backed up due to flooded streets. In any case, you’ll want to avoid Charleston Blvd by exiting in downtown at Las Vegas Blvd and heading south toward the Las Vegas Strip. Hoover Ave will be the last street before Charleston, and as you know, we are right there!

In any event, do not drive across any intersection or street that appears to be flooded. Our desert rains come fast and furious (sometimes dumping our annual average of rainfall in under an hour!) and disappear just as quickly. In fact, the rest of this week looks sunny and (relatively) cooler.

See you soon at Globe Salon, and stay safe out there! We’ll have a nice hot cup of coffee or tea for you when you arrive.