
Travel Size Deals, July 4th Hours + a Globe Salon Anniversary

On the Road Again | Something for Your Carry-On

Summer is here, which means more of us are taking time to escape the heat and travel. And we know all too well that hotels don’t always have our hair health in mind when they stock the bathrooms. Good thing, then, that Globe Salon has done its part and stocked up on travel sizes of your favorite products from Kerastase and Bumble + bumble!

Plus, to help you gear up your carry-on with the good stuff you love, stop by June 20 – July 31 when we’ll be offering special travel size savings. It goes like this: Purchase two or more travel sizes — mixed or matched of Bumble + bumble and Kerastase — and you’ll save 20% on all travel sizes you buy at that time. It’s limited to stock on hand, so stop in and stock up!


Happy Holidays | …and Happy Anniversary

Ready for the holiday? Don’t forget that we will be taking our annual summer break during July 4th Week. We be open Monday, June 29 – Wednesday, July 1, 11am-7:30pm, closed Thursday, July 2 – Monday, July 6, and returning Tuesday, July 7 at 11am. As you may imagine, all days leading up to the holiday are booking up, so make sure you call us and get an appointment so you look sizzling for firework weekend!

Finally, Globe Salon will be celebrating seven years of being downtown on July 18 (We can’t believe it either!). As one of the first established businesses to open in or relocate to the area, we have had one wild ride as Downtown has grown and changed around us. We always knew it would, but we could not have made it through those early years without the patronage and enthusiasm of our guests. You are the reason we have survived and thrived, and for that we graciously thank you for allowing us to take care of you, for buying local, and for being part of our community!