Got cut by Downtown Project? Get a free cut at Globe Salon.

We know it isn’t fun to get laid off, but it happens. That’s why Globe Salon is here to help ease the sting. If you were among the thirty employees let go by the Downtown Project this week, we want to offer you a complimentary haircut at our downtown location. Why? To be good neighbors — and to help you look your best to help land that next gig.

All you need to do is (a) demonstrate to us that you were among the 30 employees laid off from Downtown Project on September 30, 2014, and (b) make an appointment by calling us at 702-938-4247. (We will require a credit card to reserve your appointment, but you will not be charged unless you fail to arrive.) This offer is good for appointments Tuesday-Friday, ends October 31, and is limited to space availability. Let us help you get started on the next phase looking your best!