Globe Salon to Welcome New Foodie Neighbors at Downtown Location

For nearly seven years (!!), Globe Salon has been rocking out gorgeous and handsome hair at our awardwinning Arts District location. In the meantime, a few businesses have come and gone from Soho Lofts (RIP Resnicks Grocery, Lady Silvia, and Amanda Harris and Dust galleries), and we often miss the energy and synergy they brought to our little corner of Downtown. Don’t get us wrong; we’re more than happy to be here, but sometimes we find ourselves wishing we had some neighbors.

gwIt appears our wishes are about to become reality, as DTLV says that one of our favorite, locally-grown lunch  stops — the delectable Goodwich sandwich shack — will soon open just a few doors down from us in the space formerly occupied by Resnicks.

Read all about it here, and prepare to have easy access to some of the best things between bread found in Las Vegas!