First Friday September (and so much more!)

In the blink of an eye, we’re past Labor Day, summer is almost over, and we’re getting ready for tonight’s First Friday in the Las Vegas Arts District. Although Globe Salon isn’t hosting a First Friday event this month (watch for details about October’s event soon!), with all that’s happened in our city’s revitalizing center the past few years, downtown is really getting busy. Just take a look at all the events going down in downtown tonight:

• First Friday (and all the wackiness and fun that surrounds it)

• the Pride Parade (and a drag contest on Fremont!)

•  Wicked (at the Smith Center for the Performing Arts)

• Clint Holmes (also at the Smith Center, in the Cabaret Room)

All that is a great sign of how far downtown has come, and it’s welcome activity for all (okay, most…) of us down here. But staging all this fun on one night does present some new challenges for parking and access. If you are going to the Smith Center, their on-site lots and garages should be sufficient for their patrons. But keeping in mind that the Clark County Government Center offers free First Friday parking (with a free shuttle) means that traffic along Grand Central Parkway is going to be heavy; plan accordingly, leave early, and take a healthy dose of patience. (And common sense, if you want to avoid a parking ticket—or, worse, a tow). After all, this is the downtown we’ve been dreaming about.

[Speaking of the Smith Center, let’s remind everyone that we offer an ongoing Smith Center VIP Special. Schedule a pre-performance appointment for an Event Style, a Fabulous Blowout, and/or Make-Up Application, present your same-day show ticket at check-out, and save 30%.]

Party arty, Las Vegas, and have a fantastic time tonight!